Friday, November 26, 2010

A description of the carburetor Venturi

In previous posts I have explained the construction of the carburetor, you can read here first. For now I will explain in more detail about the construction of the carburetor venturi. Venturi is a narrowed area in the carburetor. For more details, you notice the picture below.

In the picture above there are two models of carburetors, carburetor carburetor motorcycle is right and the left image is the carburetor on the car. The two images above have clearly shown a venturi like the blue arrows. But venturi shown by the arrow is a venturi with a fixed or also known as fixed venturi.

However venturi above is just one of the venturi shape of the carburetors. Another addition is a venturi venturi variable. This venturi type carburetor motorcycle in the space formed between the barrel with skepticism / throttle valve. Therefore, in the car carburetor, variable venturi formed by the barrel room with a throttle valve. For clarity consider the picture below!
picture variable venturi carburetor motorcycle

Oil Pump on matic transmission

On equipped with matic transmission oil pump that is useful to circulate matic transmission oil. Matic transmission components teridri above:

1. Rotor: is a component that rotates to suck and push matic transmission oil. The rotor is driven by a pump impeller of the torque convertor.
2. Stator is a stationary component and together - together with the rotor form a suction chamber and the press.
3. Oil pump housing is a component that is home or the casing of the rotor and stator. In this component there is also the outlet and inlet matic transmission oil. This component is tied to the Transmission housing with screw connection.

So my brief explanation about the components - the components of the oil pump on matic transmission. Hopefully useful to you in learning matic transmission.

Automatic Transmission

Matic transmission that I will discuss is the transmission used in cars, not motorcycles. Matic transmission comprising:

1. torque convertor: matic transmission is a component of the forward rotation of the flywheel or the flywheel to the transmission input shaft. Or can we call also in terms of coupling to matic transmission.

2. Oil pump: is the component of transmission that is useful to circulate matic transmission oil into components - Other matic transmission components. Matic transmission oil is breguna as a media drive to create the component - matic transmission components can work or not work.

3. Planetary gear units: is a component of matic transmission that allows you to modify and increase the power and speed of rotation of the engine to the wheels, in order to propel the car in accordance with the needs of driving. In short this component consists of gear - gear that allows you to change the rotation speed of the engine.

4. control valve body: is the component that allows you to regulate the flow of transmission oil to flow into components - matic transmission components for work or not work. These components like the CPU of a matic transmission.

So my brief explanation regarding matic transmission.

Construction carburetor

For now I will discuss about how the construction of the carburetor. The explanation this time is to help you in learning the next carburetor. Okay I was just on the explanation of the construction of the carburetor.

Section - the carburetor:
• Barrel is the space where the flow of air into the inlet (intake manifold). In numbers there is a single carburetor and some are two.
• Venturi is an area on the barrel is narrow. The purpose of this venturi is to increase suction power for gasoline in the carburetor float in the tub can be sucked into the intake manifold.
• Jet or pilot is part of the carburetor which is useful for gas suction line from the carburetor float tanks and as a place of air mixing with gasoline.
• Body buoy is a place to accommodate gasoline while inside the carburetor, before it is mixed with air.
• buoy system is the valve on the carburetor that allows you to adjust the amount of gasoline in the float bath.
So my brief explanation about the construction of the carburetor, so it can help you to learn the carburetor at the next level.
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