Friday, November 26, 2010
Construction carburetor
For now I will discuss about how the construction of the carburetor. The explanation this time is to help you in learning the next carburetor. Okay I was just on the explanation of the construction of the carburetor.
Section - the carburetor:
• Barrel is the space where the flow of air into the inlet (intake manifold). In numbers there is a single carburetor and some are two.
• Venturi is an area on the barrel is narrow. The purpose of this venturi is to increase suction power for gasoline in the carburetor float in the tub can be sucked into the intake manifold.
• Jet or pilot is part of the carburetor which is useful for gas suction line from the carburetor float tanks and as a place of air mixing with gasoline.
• Body buoy is a place to accommodate gasoline while inside the carburetor, before it is mixed with air.
• buoy system is the valve on the carburetor that allows you to adjust the amount of gasoline in the float bath.
So my brief explanation about the construction of the carburetor, so it can help you to learn the carburetor at the next level.
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